3 Types of Wood Thicknesser Machines and Important Features Explained

source: ajferguson.co.uk Woodworking has been around for many centuries and although it hasn't always been as advanced as today, it has always relied on finessing wooden pieces. This is done with the use of a wood thicknesser nowadays which is a machine that does three things. It levels the sides and ends of workpieces, smooths out rough or uneven wooden surfaces and can chamfer which involves removing sharp edges. Also referred to as a planer thicknesser, a woodworking thicknesser machine is one of the most important pieces of woodworking equipment in today's demanding projects be it in your garage or a manufacturing plant. Types of Wood Thicknessers source: hammerroo.com.au Benchtop The most affordable wood thicknesser you can get is a benchtop thicknesser which is small enough so that it can fit on your workbench. This form factor makes it quite portable but a benchtop wood thicknesser machine isn't always a portable solution as some machines are made to be used only ...